Gardening Angels

By Vickilane

At the PO on Monday, I was delighted to meet and thank the ladies responsible for these beautiful little gardens. 

The ladies were hard at it, grubbing up weeds.

We chatted briefly and I thanked them for providing such a welcome sight in downtown Marshall. I should have asked more questions--were they part of an organization? how long had they been tending this garden? did they have others?

But I didn't. I was too busy enjoying the wealth of blooms that adorned these two small sidewalk gardens.

                             Echinacea in different vibrant shades. . .

Bee balm . . .

Black-eye Susans, a sprawling lavender plant, and some tall reddish-purple plant (Amaranth?) that they said were volunteers--seeded from a planting across the street.

Zinnias and marigolds too--so much color!

Many thanks to those gardening angels--you are deeply appreciated!