Garden Fresco Burrito-Stuffed with Oven Roasted Vegetables,White Rice and Black Beans

By Mani Mukhija @manimukhija
Garden Fresco Burrito-Stuffed with Oven Roasted Vegetables,White Rice and Black Beans

Who wouldn't love the season's freshly Grilled or Oven-roasted Veggies and Burritos. The Burritos stuffed with the sizzling hot freshly roasted Taco-spiced veggies and Salsa can make anyone fall in love insanely with the Mexican cuisine.

Mexican Food, especially Veggie Burrito has always been on top of my head after my stay in Mexico a couple of years back. There is a large scope of options as far as the stuffing is concerned. You can make one of your choice.

The cooked Black Beans and Mexican rice along with the roasted Veggies make a great stuffing for your Burrito along with Guacamole and Nachos. This is a healthy option for your weekend dinner when you crave to eat something delicious and interesting.

The best part about these Burritos is that they are highly customizable and you can use just anything for the filling. Another great thing is that you can sneak any veggies and serve to your kids in an exciting way. Being a mom of two picky-eaters has made me discover a lot of smart ways to serve them healthy options. Even if they don't like any specific Vegetable, they would simply love it inside this chunky burrito.

We have a lot of debates over the weekend when it comes to picking a restaurant and eating-out. And I am not shy to commit that I win the debate every time. I can't give-up on my favorite Garden Burrito in one of my favorite Mexican restaurant here in the Queen City. My gals love it too. So, it's a win-win situation when the whole family loves one particular restaurant and relish the great choices available on their menu.

The previous week had been too hectic and we didn't feel like going out this time. However, we all were craving for our favorite Mexican food. So, I decided to make it at home. The homemade Burrito treat was so satisfying that my kids have been asking me again to make the same recipe during this week too.

You can even prepare the burrito wraps over the weekend and store in the freezer in a zip lock bag for your busy weekday lunch. In case you plan to store it in the freezer, please be careful to use any liquid salsa to avoid your burrito from being soggy.

We had a great Mexican weekend last week. Hope you have a great weekend too with the Fresh Guacamole and Garden Fresco Burrito. Don't forget to keep a bag of Nachos and Guacamole dip(click link for Guacamole dip recipe) and chunky salsa along with your Burritos to enjoy a complete Mexican meal to create special memories of your weekend. A glass of your favorite drink would add an extra kick to the treat.

Also check my Tortilla Pinwheels Recipe.

A pack of large Wheat Tortillas

1 cup Mexican white rice cooked

1 cup Black Beans soaked and cooked (or use a can of pre-cooked black beans)

1 pack McCormick Taco Seasoning Mix(or choose your own seasoning)

1 cup Salsa(of your choice)

1 Zucchini Medium, diced

1 cup mixed bell peppers, diced

1 medium onion, diced

1 large carrot peeled and diced

A sprig of Fresh green coriander

Guacamole dip (Check my recipe blog for Guacamole dip)

Shredded cheese

Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Soak Black Beans for 3-4 hours and cook them with a little salt.
  2. Cook Mexican white rice with little salt. I cook them using the same rice and water ratio that I would use to cook my Basmati rice.
  3. Take all the diced veggies in a bowl and give them a nice stir of olive oil and 1/2 pack of Taco seasoning mix along with ¼ cup Salsa. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil and bake the veggies in the pre-heated oven for 20 minutes at 375 deg.
  4. Now, take a large Tortilla and place rice, beans, veggies, fresh chopped coriander leaves, guacamole and shredded cheese one by one on top of each other as shown in the picture above.
  5. Wrap the burrito carefully and grill it on a griddle or over the counter grill. I used my over the counter grill as it's always very convenient for handling my delicate stuffed burritos.
  6. Serve the sizzling hot Burrito with salad green and salsa of your choice.

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