Garbanzo Pasta Rosa

By Vickilane

Still trying to adhere to the alternate-night vegetarian plan, I came up with this simple dish. As almost always, it begins with an onion.

Sauté one chopped onion in butter. Add one large tomato, also chopped, and a can of garbanzos (chick peas), drained. As it cooks, chop some garlic then add it. When most of the moisture is gone, add heavy cream, a sprinkle of dried chili flakes, chopped fresh basil and parsley, them simmer till sauce has thickened. I served it over conchiglie --small shell-shaped pasta--and the garbanzos nestled in the shells like big, delicious pearls. We topped it with a bit of parmesan.Surprisingly delicious and filling, not to mention quick and easy to prepare.