Fun Team Building Games Without Props Materials

Posted on the 16 January 2017 by Lifecoachbloggers
Here is a list of team building games fun quick free youth team building games that you can play with your friends, at work place that require or need anything, means you don't need any materials, props or equipment to play these games.
Walk Backwards

Simply make participants walk, run, jump backwards

Games without Props- walk Backwards

Who Changed their voice?
Except one team member, Mr.A, rest of the team stands in circle, hands around each other, bowing down, at a sign, one of them in the circle says, "How are you Mr.A?" by changing the voice. Mr.A have to recognize the person and say, "I'm fine, Mr/Ms.______? Mr.A wins if all the names are guessed correctly.

Games without Equipment - Examples

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