Fun Saturdays Vol.1

By Anupamapnb @divallista

Happy Weekend everyone!

Weekends are more fun and after the makeup talk the whole week, weekends are meant to be for Fun Saturdays ~ a glimpse into my life apart from the blog! I hope you would enjoy this section as much as I do in sharing them with you all gorgeous readers!
  • I was born in the green city of Jamshedpur
Jamshedpur (Jharkhand) is a major industrial zone in the Eastern India. It houses companies like Tata Steel, Tata Motors, Tata Power, Lafarge Cement, Telcon, BOC Gases, Praxair, TCE, TCS, Timken, TRF, Tinplate and many more. It was founded by Jamshedji Nusserwanji Tata and his great grandson Ratan Tata was the CEO of Tata Steel. It is also known as Steel City, Green City or Tatanagar. I spent the first 18 years of my life in Jamshedpur, and then went to Bhubaneswar for college. My family base is basically from Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh), where we pay visit once a year. Jamshedpur is a beautiful city, free from hustles and bustles.

View of Dimna Lake in my hometown Jamshedpur

  •  I have completed Bio-technology from TACT (Trident Academy of Creative Technology) and also hold a BCA degree (distance) from NIIT
I completed my Bio-technology in 2012 from TACT, Bhubaneswar and took up BCA (softwares), as I have always craved of computers and wanted to develop websites and search engines like Google. I completed my BCA just a few months back and took up full-time blogging and also working on developing a software. 

My alma-mater : TACT Bhubaneswar

  •  I am a bathroom singer
I just love singing and that's one of biggest passion to learn music. I consider myself a bathroom singer whereas my family and friends wants me to take singing seriously. 

Singing my passion!

  •  My favorite breakfast food is Upma
I love cooking it for myself with mixing different ingredients. I can have it 3 times a day as well. Would write a recipe post very soon.

Vermicelli Upma

Sooji Upma


  • Saving is everything!
Since childhood, I have this habit of saving pocket money. I don't like to spend money on something that's unwanted. This is reason I am still a M.A.C virgin. I love makeup products but can't force myself to spend 1000 bucks on a lipstick or blush. Some people call me "Kanjus", which I totally deny as spending 1000 bucks on a lipstick that I will use hardly once or twice a month (I have many medium priced ones), is a complete no no for me. I love budget friendly products. 

Piggy Bank

  •  I love reading!
As my dad works in Tata Steel, we have a free membership in the personal library of the company, know as S.N.T.I, I visit this place on weekends and subscribe a book or two. My love for novels is since childhood days, where I use to subscribe 4-5 books from my school library and completed reading in a weeks time! 

Currently reading!

  • I love everything Plum and Pink!
This is very clear from the blog's name! I love everything that has Plum and Pink to it, be it makeup, hair accessories, nail colors, outfits, socks, mobile cases, etc. 

My favorite Plum and Pink colored lipstick!

  • I go weak for Roses, Tulips and Orchids! 
Roses are every girls favorites! I just love roses, particularly red and white! I have a Red, orange, yellow and white roses blooming i my house garden. Orchids are one of my favorites apart from roses. I love them in every color, they look very elegant and perks up your mood as well. 

Red and White Roses

Pink Orchids


I tag all of you to answer these questions in the comments section ~

  • Where were you born? 
  • Where did you do your college from? 
  • Your hobbies? 
  • What is your favorite breakfast food? 
  • What are your childhood habits? 
  • Do you like reading? 
  • What is your favorite color? 
  • Which is your favorite flower? 
 Have a nice Weekend!
Disclaimer : I own the images that are watermarked, others have been taken from the Google Images.