Fun Fact Friday

By Wendiw80 @asouthernyogi
FUFACFRIDAY Today is Fun Fact Friday where we discover new information about Africa! Since, that's what I'm doing right now, raising money for a trip to Africa. I thought today might be a good day to discuss how I came to the conclusion that I wanted to go to Africa and volunteer. Here is a timeline of events that took place - all little things that I felt like were signals. 2001 - While taking a Non Western Civilization class at Greenville Tech, my teacher discussed a recent trip she took to Africa. I don't know why, but the subject really interested me. I listened very closely as she described the things she did there and I thought, I DEFINITELY want to go to Africa one day. 2004 - I took a Race, Ethnicity and Class sociology class at Clemson. We studied the genocide in Rwanda. We read a book about the devastation in that country and all of the things leading up to it. Out of everything that we studied in that class, the holocaust, the aborigines in Australia, etc, Rwanda intrigued me the most. I FELT a connection with that story, that history. 2007 - My husband & I take a trip to visit his family in Detroit. His cousin, with whom we stayed, had recently taken a trip to South Africa where she volunteered and helped bring medical aid to children in South Africa. I was again fascinated by the pictures. The little kids were so cute and the people looked so interesting. I felt that connection again and just wondered what it would be like to see that continent, to do something to make a difference. The timeline gets a little muddled here because I can't remember when exactly the rest of this took place but between 2008-2011 - *I met the Boughners who had not only done mission work in Kenya, they were also in the midst of adopting a baby from Ethiopia. *The Boughners had one of the leaders from Kenya come visit and I had dinner with them. We talked about Kenya and what it's like to live there. I KNEW I would be going to Africa one day after that visit. *A friend was giving a speech about herself and she was talking about this strong desire she had to go to Africa. *A guy I worked with at Abercrombie raised money and went on a year long mission trip in Kenya*In my running group that I lead, there was a lady who was from Kenya. *I watched the movie, Blood Diamond and it made me cry for daysI'm not one who talks a lot about spiritual things and God in my blog, but to me, since I stopped drinking in 2000, God has been giving me signs. The message has gotten louder and louder until I finally realized that this trip is something I must do. I really thought Kenya was the place I was going to see, but after reviewing the trips, the Rwanda trip was the one calling to me. Ever since I made the decision to take the trip, the emotion that overtakes me when I talk about the trip is overwhelming. I'm excited, I'm scared, there are many things that I'm feeling as the trip approaches. But one thing is clear, I feel this is a trip that I must take because I feel called to do it. Sometimes, when I think about what I'll be doing, I think, how is this even going to touch the things that need to be done over there? I am basically going to be helping an orphanage run for 2 weeks with a bunch of other people. Is that really going to mean anything at the end of the day. But I read this, this morning and it really hit home - Daily OmFebruary 10, 2012
Taking It All In
Gemini Daily HoroscopeYou may feel particularly philosophical today. Perhaps you are thinking about ways to make a positive contribution to your community or the world a better place. If you are driven to do charitable works, you may find yourself questioning how much of an impact your efforts will have. Consider looking at the big picture before you choose the best way to put your time and resources to use in helping those in need. You may discover that in broadening your perspective, you will begin to see that life’s small challenges are less important than doing all you can to improve the world. The contribution you make today, regardless of its size, will likely touch many lives and help others.
Focusing on the big picture can help you focus on the plight of humanity and making the world a better place. When your thoughts are focused only on the minute details of life, it can be difficult to see how your actions affect your community and the planet. Keeping the bigger picture in mind allows you to see how all people and all actions are interconnected and influence each other. You’ll be more apt to want to make a positive contribution to the world because the result of your work will be clear to you. When you concentrate on the big picture today, you won’t lose sight of your ability to change the world. 
So.... there is my answer. I love when God just blatantly sends me messages, don't  you?