Fuck Off

By The Dating Diaries @The_DatingDiaries

Ex Boyfriend: “I think I’m in love.”
Me: “Don’t care.”
Ex Boyfriend: “Whats up your ass.”
Me: “Why are you talking to me?”
Ex Boyfriend: “Just wanted to let you know that I met a girl who isn’t a straight up bitch and unfaithful.”
Me: “Don’t care.”

My ex. What the fuck, literally. Long story short we dated for 3 years on and off. In between the on and off he cheated (I call it emotionally cheating even though technically we weren’t dating) and I would take him back every time. About the 2nd year of this shit after he stood me up on my birthday, Valentine’s Day, and my college graduation, he finally became an okay boyfriend. Realizing that I was better than his shit I moved away to Charlotte and we broke up. It’s been over a year since I’ve even seen him why is he texting me to tell me he is “in love?” If he was “in love” he shouldn’t be contacting me…

Nothing like a reminder of the past to start off another crazy drinking/dating spree! More to come!