Front Row, XFactor Philippines Grand Finals Day 1 – Pilita Corales & “ShowBees” Hard at Work

By Blessmybag @blessmybag

My eyes are drooping as I write this, so I’d best get on with it…I know I owe you posts.  I’m much too sleepy and useless right now to be able to submit a flowery report regarding my front row experience during Day 1 of Xfactor Philippines’ grand finals.  Whether or not pictures are truly worth a thousand words they’ll have to do.  I’m beat but I have one thought to squeeze out.  Majority of safe cosmetic advice for older women is to avoid anything heavy or intense when it comes to makeup and hair.  Pilita Corales on the other hand believes more is more.  I can’t exactly pinpoint how she does it, but laying it on heavy doesn’t make her lose her joie de vivre.  She’s like the coolest, made up gran ever.  Red nails plus bling?  It’s time to sing!

and the winner is…

… told you I was sleepy, but they did say if there was anyone in the Rock scene with the “Xfactor” it was this well-known dude.  You’d better watch the grand finals tomorrow just to be sure, even I can’t can’t trust me right now.