From the Archives || MUA Blushers

By Beaumaquillagex @beaumaquillagex

I have decided that because the picture and content quality of some of my old blog posts from when I started my blog are absolutely horrendous that I would start to do a "from the archives" series where I re write reviews from my blog and re take photos with my current camera which is a lot better than the webcam I was using! So I hope you enjoy these updated posts and you may re discover some products you haven't used for a while! So for the first post in this series I will be re reviewing the MUA blushers, however please note these are the old versions, not the newly released ones.
I own the following 3 shades:
A deepish red/coral color which looks gorgeous in the Autumn and for the days where you want to add more color to your face.
An orange coral which looks gorgeous on any complexion, especially when you have a tan. This looks great on holiday and adds a gorgeous glow to the skin.
My favorite of the three I own this bright coral is gorgeous! It has subtle shimmer in and looks gorgeous all year round, although like shade 4 looks beautiful in the Summer because it is a brighter blush.
As you can see from the swatches these are gorgeous shades!
At only £1 (?!) these are amazing. They are extremely pigmented, I only swatched 1 layer of this on the swatches above and with only one swipe and the pigmentation is on par with the Sleek blushers which are extremely pigmented. They are ever so slightly chalky, although nothing too major and when blended on the face this isn't at all noticeable.
The packaging isn't ideal, although for £1 you can't really complain. It is a little difficult to open and looks kind of cheap, however the new packaging looks better and I wasn't expecting anything special for the price.
These blushers are honestly fantastic and I want to pick some of the new shades in the new packaging up! I would 100% recommend you pick these up next time you are in a Superdrug or browsing MUA's website!
Thanks for reading
Do you like these blushers?

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I am currently away on holiday so this post is pre scheduled therefore I will reply to all comments/tweets/emails when I am back from holiday or when I find wifi.