Fridays at the Library: Books We Liked

By Joysautismblog @joysautismblog

Since I’m homeschooling the girls this year the library has become a really important resource. I thought it might be fun for the girls and for myself to choose our favorite books from the week and share on Fridays. Friday is always library day in our house now.

I am not one to buy books for the most part. If it is a book I really want to read and don’t want to wait for availability at the library I might buy it or if it’s a favorite for one of the kids (Pinkalicious for Nevaeh) then I might buy it but other then that it’s to the library we go.

I read aloud to the girls each day for 15 minutes out of a chapter book. We just finished a book called Indigo Blue and Sanura especially liked it, it was a little grown up for Nevaeh but I let her color or practice cutting while I do the chapter book read aloud if she needs to. It’s a bit of a tear jerker but we really enjoyed the book.

Nevaeh picked Posey Plans a Party, this is the second Posey book she has read and these are the cutest books for little girls. The pictures are fun and girly and she loved the Posey books we read.

Nevaeh picked a nursery tale thick book that had lots of stories in it. I have been disappointed by many of these thick books claiming classic tales. Either they aren’t how I remember them or they don’t contain the classics that I consider the classics. We loved Mary Engelbreit’s Nursery Tales: A Treasury of Children’s Classics It has all the classic tales I remember and the drawings were sweet, stories weren’t too long, and the stories all went the way I remember them going as a kid.

Sanura is studying Christopher Columbus and the events up to and after the colonization of America and Spanish Colonies in America was a good edition to our study and brought about some good discussion.

Those were our favorites this week…on to our new stack of books!