Friday’s Letters: Yeah, We’re Living the Life, Sippin’ on Sunshine!

By Reeseatomic @reeseatomic

Dear LC
Thank you for being on your best behavior this week. Thank you for the cuddles when you know I haven’t been well this week.
PS. I have no idea WHO you’re having conversations with in the middle of the night, and while I don’t mind it, could you please keep it down.

Dear Andre
My little lovebird, thank you for the cuddles when I get home. I love that you like to play hide & seek first thing in the morning and make such a noise that I can’t sleep in, but at least it gets me out of bed when I need to.

Dear Mick
I miss my friend again this week. I hope that your break up the coast is a good one.

Dear Alison
I love that you give me tough love, I love that you show me complete and utter compassion when I need it, I love that I can call you anytime of the day or night and you’re just THERE! Thank you babes. You are my highlight of my day. I also LOVE the fact that I’m an aunty-cat (LOVE!)

Dear Daddy
Happiest birthday to the best dad in the entire universe! Let’s face it, you ARE the best dad in the world and everybody knows it. I’m so glad that you’re MY dad and you gave me the best life you possibly could, as well as two awesome siblings that just amaze me everyday. Volim te puno!

Dear Cold
I have caught you but I won’t let you take the best of me.

Dear iPhone 5
I miss you terribly. I don’t know why it took so long to repair you, but I promise this time around I will not mistreat you. There is a Kate Spade cover waiting upon your return to AtomicHQ.

Dear Eyebrows
You’re looking all sorts of FINE this week! As a treat, I’m going to get you groomed and treated with brand new products to go out in.

Dear Nails
Why are you so skanky halfway through the week? If it’s not too much to ask, would you mind remaining chic between Monday and Friday, so I don’t have to make an emergency appointment at my manicurist mid-week. Kthx.

Dear Zoe
I miss you. I hope you’re having fun in the USA.


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