Friday’s Letters: With Friends Like These…

By Reeseatomic @reeseatomic

Dear Life
Wow. Just when I think I’ve got it tough, you kick me in the butt and make me realize that I’m not alone, I’m not worthless just because my loser of a ex-boyfriend says I am. I am very much loved, adored and respected. I’m sorry I’ve been a brat lately. I promise I will do a lot better next week.

Dear LC
I like how you meow incessantly til you get fed and when you get fed, there’s no thanks in the form of nuzzles or lap sitting. Just on my bed – sorry, your bed – to sleep.

Dear Andre
I’m sorry my work hours are mental this week and I don’t let you fly around the house like I usually do. I will make it up to you on the weekend.

Dear friends
(Sigh) You have been my saving grace this week. Thank you for the coffees, the “I love you” texts, the “Cheer up Charlie!” hugs and just generally being awesome people. Much of my sanity is thanks to you and I can’t thank you enough for putting up with me.

Dear Mick
I’m SO glad that we’re mates. I’m so glad that we have things in common and that we enjoy each other’s company. Thank you for always being a gentleman; opening car doors for me is just… urgh, so nice! Thank you for always telling me – and I mean, every single time we hang out – that I’m beautiful. Thank you for the breakfast and coffee in Bondi Junction this week. Thank you for the texts forcing me to smile. Thank you for the late night Maccas run and allowing me to use you as an emotional punching bag when I need it. I also love that you call me “darl”.
Thank you – from the bottom of my heart – for showing me what I wasted the last eighteen months of my life, including the decade before loving a complete dickhead and proving to me that there are dudes out there who are nice to me… just because.
PS. I’m sorry that I hit your jaw two days after you had your wisdom teeth removed and thank you for not being mad about it. xx

Dear Alan
Dude, you are just the sweetest kid I know… who thinks that wearing a bowtie is acceptable attire. Cute! Thank you for taking my side, cheering me up and being so nice to me. I am so lucky to have you as my friend.

Dear Alison
I’m sorry I yelled at you this week with such sincere anger. I shouldn’t have when you’ve been nothing but an amazing person to me. Let’s go for Messina’s again next week.

Dear Zoe
My darling best friend… I honestly don’t know what I’d do without you! I just love you to pieces!

Dear Universe
I’m getting better at handling this. I’ve got an amazing support system of friends and family. BRING IT ON!