Friday’s Letters: The Two of Us Together Makes Everything Glitter

By Reeseatomic @reeseatomic

Dear Joe
There’s an old saying, True love is finishing each other’s Simpsons quotes. And FINALLY I found someone who will understand and laugh at the random quotes I say in my everyday conversation. I love that you just get me and accept me for who I am. I always thought my quirkiness was something I should hide from everyone, but you make me feel like it’s something I should let shine.
PS. I fell in love with you even more when we went to The Grounds last weekend. Anyone who can be silly with me in public, even for the length of an 80′s song is a winner in everybody’s books.

Dear LC
You still think you’re the boss around here and here I am for another week putting you in your place. You are NOT allowed to sleep on my pillow. You are NOT allowed to sit on the clean washing. And you are most certainly NOT allowed to park your keister on the kitchen counter to get attention.

Dear Andre
I’m sorry I wake you up when I get home late from a night shift. But as a reward, I’ve let you have your freedom all week. You’ve been one very happy mohawked bird this week.

Dear Sugar
Although I quit you for six weeks, I do miss you from time to time. But I will not give in. I’m making sure that I will not give in to temptation.

Dear Desk
I can’t handle the clutter lately. There are so many beauty products that I don’t use. Maybe I should just offload them to friends instead. It’s time for us to break up, I think.

Dear 40% off all cosmetics at Priceline
You were probably the worse kept secret in the beauty community, but I’m glad that everyone got to take advantage. Of course, I spent wayyy too much, but you’ve always got to take advantage of a 40% off sale, right?

Dear Nausea
So apparently you’re getting around. The office has it. A few of my other friends have it. Great! Just GREAT! Thought you’d spread it around, because sharing is caring. Pfft. I can’t wait to be rid of you.

Dear Sleep
Once again, we weren’t able to get together enough this week. How sad. We need to make more an effort next week.

Dear Friends (both online and offline)
I am so sincerely thankful of you. I’ve made some great friends through the beauty community, at work and a night out on the town. You’re all just gems! Thank you for becoming my friend.


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