Friday’s Letters: She’s So High!

By Reeseatomic @reeseatomic

Dear Chels
I really enjoyed having you in my house over the weekend. Long chats, the laughs and the numerous coffees and walking up hill were amazing. I hope you enjoyed being an Eastern Suburbs person for a weekend. Always welcome to stay at AtomicHQ. Next time, I’ll head out your way.

Dear Zoe
I know I’m always thankful that you’re my best friend, but this week you’ve really shown that you care. Thank you for the late night calls and you’ve supported me and curbed me away from stupid situations. I loved that you’ve shown me tough love this week, even at my weakest you’ve been the first to kick my butt back into line. You’re the BEST!

Dear Andre
I’m sorry I haven’t been paying much attention to you this week, I promise I will make more of an effort next week. Although you haven’t had much “mummy” time, you seem so happy in your cage playing with your new toys and playing in the sunshine. I don’t even care that you’ve made a mess all over the kitchen bench and the floor with your honey and seed bar I made you. I will make it up to you next week.

Dear LC
I just don’t get you sometimes. I just really don’t. You’ve been a headache this week but I’m glad that no matter how crazy you make me, you’re happy to have some mama cuddles in the morning.

Dear working desk
You really stress me out that you’re constantly cluttered! I will have to do a massive overhaul this weekend just so I can see what I’m meant to be working on. Urgh! I vow to never let this happen again.

Dear boys
Try again next week.

Dear Kings Cross
I love you this week. I should spend more time hanging out in your bars and cafés. Although, there is a bistro on William Street that just plain SUCKS at service, food and drinks… Kings Cross, no matter how seedy the media paints you, you’re pretty awesome.

Dear nails
Grow! Grow! GROW! I think I’m at the point where I’d rather have beautiful nails than bite/peel them off. Vain much? Also, forgive me to picking off nailpolish instead of removing it with nailpolish remover. Just another bad nail habit I need to kick.

Dear life
You’re immensely good to me this week and I’m thankful that I haven’t spent a day being upset this week. Thank you for the beautiful friends I’ve made, both male and female. Although they’re all crazy, they most certainly don’t make me cry.