Friday’s Letters: I Still Remember the Day We Met in December and OH BABY!

By Reeseatomic @reeseatomic

Dear Joe
Although I detest the end of a weekend and it’s time for us to say goodbye, I just think it’s so funny how we say ‘I love you’ 10+ times before either of us walk out the front door. I’m so glad that you met my dad and my sister, even though it was an impromptu first meet, I’m so happy to say that they both think you’re a great guy and have “no idea why” someone as wonderful as you ended up with someone like me. But, somehow we just work perfectly together.
PS. Next weekend, it’s mum’s turn.
PPS. I absolutely LOVE that you call LC, Andre and I your “girls”. I love that you’re so accepting of us, especially Andre, knowing where she originated from. That’s what REAL love is by a REAL man.

Dear LC
Seeing you on catnip is really amusing. Seeing you roll around in Joe’s clothes is something else. I don’t get it and often wonder what it is about his scent that drives you crazy, but I don’t care. It’s hilarious. Carry on feline!

Dear Andre
I know you get so excited when you’re out of your cage, but you really need to calm down and stop flying around like a crazy bird to the point where you struggle to breath! Yes, it’s so exciting, but you really worry me sometimes.

Dear Bonds Lacies
You are quite easily my favorite things to wear, particularely the bralettes. I plan to replace all my underwire bras with them. Just try and stop me!

Dear little piglet I met last weekend
You fulfilled my life long dream of cuddling one of you and you were more beautiful and delightful than I ever imagined. You were just a dream to hold and cuddle. You were just the sweetest things on four legs and THANK YOU – from the bottom of my heart – for allowing me to kiss your little snout. Believe me, my heart broke when I had to put you down and you tried to climb out of your pen to me. You are just the most amazing creature I have ever seen in my entire life and the exact reason why I haven’t eaten your species in almost a decade. Thank you for being born, you really left me on cloud nine.
PS. You are – by far – 1000 times cooler than LC.

Dear New Gym Gear
Oh my! Seems like last fortnight’s purchase of gym gear is already too big for me. (Sigh) Lucky for you I love buying them.

Dear Healthy Food
Since I started running everyday, I’m finding that choosing healthy foods is easier. Well… goodness only knows why I didn’t start running sooner.

Dear Purple nailpolish
I could go through many different shades of polish, but I always come back to you. You – just work.

Dear Elderflower tea
You are my FAVOURITE! Hot or iced, any way will do.

Dear Life
You constantly put a smile on my face. Thank you for Joe and all his lovin’. Thank you for healthy (but crazy) daughters, LC and Andre. Thank you for a job that’s always different and keeps me on my toes and my eyes rolling so hard I often see my brain. Thank you a beautiful home (even though my landlord is a rude old man). Thank you for a beautiful family that just makes me laugh constantly. Thank you for giving me beautiful friends who think I’m awesome and who take my side unconditionally. And THANK YOU for all the happiness that has me immersed everyday. I just love basking in it. One thing I have to learn how to do is not pity the haters and trolls who lack in a life as good as mine.