Friday’s Letters: Give Me Love Like Never Before, ‘Cause Lately I’ve Been Craving You More

By Reeseatomic @reeseatomic

Dear Friday 24th January, 2014
Am I glad to see you – FINALLY! After today, I am free from drama and can finally start living my life on a clean slate, with my man and animals, my family and friends.

Dear Joe
So, all of my friends love you and think you’re amazing. Knowing this really warms my heart because they now see what I see everyday when I look at you. I love how you incorporate Simpsons quotes in our conversations and make me laugh hysterically; how we spent hours watching, laughing and listening to songs on YouTube (particularly the one starring you – SWOON!); and our beer and cider sessions. I’m so excited to spend the Australia Day long weekend with you and meeting your friends. Thank you for being mine. x

Dear LC
This week, the cat opera at 4am has now been an all day thing, which is starting to get irritating. Whilst meowing is cute, meow at something other than Joe’s shirt, or a blank wall, or the fridge.
PS. I don’t know how you got out of having a bath last weekend, but you WILL have one this weekend.

Dear Andre
I’m really loving the fact that you’re taking an liking to Joe. Especially after being abandoned last year, it’s good to see that you’re moving on too.
PS. Hooray for your new feathers coming in!

Dear Sir Ed Sheeran
I have a super-duper crush on you this week. Especially after this…

And who would forget this beauty from last year from last year…

Clearly my favorite part is when you sing “Damn, that girl looks good.” (Heart melts!)

Dear B
I missed you a lot this week. Especially Tuesday, which was by far my worst day this week. But I’m so proud of you for your amazing work you did in Bondi over the weekend; I secretly love seeing your face in the newspaper every other week.
PS. LC and Andre miss you too.

Dear Nails
I’m sorry I had to cut your short this week, but you were getting kind of skanky.

Dear Breaking Bad
I’m sorry for not tuning in sooner, but you are AWESOME!

Dear Insomnia
I was awake for over 48 hours this week and I really didn’t appreciate it.

Dear Hair
Yes, yes, yes… I know I’m overdue for a haircut. I’ll around to it eventually.

Dear Ali
Thank you for being such a wonderful friend. You have held my hand through the toughest years yet and supported me through it all, cheering me on along the way. I can’t thank you enough for all your kind words, even the tough ones, but I couldn’t have gotten to this point without you.

Dear Mick
You are an absolute PSYCHOPATH! Big mistake making an enemy out of me, son. BIG mistake!

Dear $2 Lip Balm I bought in Cronulla last weekend
Although you sound absolutely rancid to start off with – $2 Lip Balm from Cronulla – despite your origins, you are surprisingly quite good. I’m happy that we met – in the ladies room (even more EW!)


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  • Friday’s Letters: I love you like XO. You love me like XO
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  • Friday’s Letters: The final days of Summer
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