Friday’s Letters: And Every Breath We Drew Was Hallelujah!

By Reeseatomic @reeseatomic

Dear Joe
I’m sorry about last Friday’s debacle at the restaurant. I know that I don’t need to impress you, but I wanted it to be special because it was your birthday – and Valentine’s Day – both my first with you. I still loved my week with you and every single laugh I heard from you.
PS. Thank you for all The Simpsons quotes this week.

Dear LC
OK, I’m sick to death with this bad attitude stuff. The hissing, the growling and just being in a pissed off mood for no reason. It needs to stop!

Dear Andre
You gorgeous little thing you. Thank you for keeping my company when LC went to stay with her aunty and cousin on Monday night. It was good to have you asleep on my bedhead. Not too thrilled that you fell and scared the crap out of me in the middle of the night though. I also have no idea why you insist on sitting on the top of the shutters.

Dear Lior
Joe and I can’t WAIT to see you perform next month! Please play our song for us. We will be forever grateful!

Dear Favourite Photo of Joe & I
Yes, I’m a massive sap! I can’t stop looking at it but I really love it. Like, really really REALLY love it. I’m planning to print it off and have them all over our new home.

Dear Love Supreme, Paddington
You are by far the worst pizza place I have every had the displeasure of dining in. Pick up your game or ship out!

Dear Kürtösh
You are such a glorious place and thank you for moving so close by to place of work and residence. Babette and I came to visit you THREE times this week and loved it each time.