Friday's Food for Thought

By Carrie Berschman @CarrieBerschman
Hello friends! I trust you all have had a great week and are equally looking forward to a great weekend. This Friday, as I sit and drink a cup of coffee and look out to the window to see a gloomy sky and drizzle, I am reflecting back on what I wrote about in last Friday's post. I shared my mixed thoughts on what I have lined up for this summer and and following school year, as well as the things I think about daily that I would love to make some sort of career out of. This week, I have really been thinking a lot and doing some inner soul searching, you might say, to really think about what it is that I want most out of this crazy thing called life. To get my gears going, Tuesday morning I started the day off with a nice long walk by myself to clear my head and enjoy the weather. When I returned home, I felt refreshed and decided to sit down and work on my "plan" for the future. What I mean by a plan is, writing down the ideas I have in my head related to how I can turn what makes me happy into a career that I love. Because I have just a brainstorm list done, I won't be spilling any beans just yet. But, I feel better just knowing I am moving in a good direction and have ideas in my head. So thats the current update.

With all that 'blabbering' said, I feel its only appropriate to share with you all some things I LOVE! :) 

Fabulous taste & presentation. Growing blooms admired on a recent nature walk.

Traveling. This shot was taken when I visited SF in March.

This one is a given. I love all things beauty. Sephora is the culprit.

Home decor, obviously! :)

This amazing DIY blog

My friends & family who mean the most.
There are many many more things I could list, but these by far are ones worth sharing! So, what things make you guys happy? I'd love for you to share them with me! And as always, thanks for reading! I hope that you all have a fab weekend and get a chance to do something that you LOVE! :)XO, Carrie