Friday’s at the Library-2 & Small Family Update

By Joysautismblog @joysautismblog

I forgot to post our favorite books of the week last week but I had two that really stuck out to me this week so I didn’t forget.

My two favorites were awesome books, they were kind of tearjerkers but the stories were awesome and the pictures were very well done and fun for Nevaeh to look at. Our two favorites were The Quiltmaker’s Gift and The Orange Shoes.

We also read from a chapter book each day for 15 minutes and this week we’ve been going through Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy. It’s a good one so far and perfect for kids to read independently in grades 6-9 but since we’re reading it together I think it works for Sanura who is in 5th grade.

I found a doctor for the kids around our new place and I liked her so far. This site explains the different kinds of hearing tests and towards the bottom there is a section labeled “Tympanometry” and that is the test they did with Lincoln in the doctor’s office earlier this week. Normal ears will show a peak on the device they use to measure and ears with a blockage or problem will the device will show a flat line. The nurse said Lincoln’s test was completely flat. The way the nurse explained it to me is that there is some kind of blockage. We got a referral to a hearing and speech center and our appointment is in mid-December. I feel anxious and wish it could be sooner but I feel better then how I was feeling about the whole thing yesterday. I’m hoping the solution is tubes in his ears and I’m hoping the tubes in his ears will significantly help his speech delay so if you want to pray for us those would be great things to pray for.

Do you ever go to make tacos and realize you forgot to get seasoning? Maybe I’m among a minority of people who use store bought taco seasoning but every combination of seasons I’ve tried in the past I have not been impressed with. Not too long ago I went to make tacos and didn’t have seasoning and I came across this recipe and I’ve been really happy with it. I didn’t have the red pepper flakes so I just omitted them but this is really good taco seasoning in my opinion so just passing that along!

Lastly I had a couple links I wanted to share:

First, if you are catholic, someone sent me an email about this kit to prepare your child with autism or other special need for their first communion. So I thought I should pass along that info for my catholic friends.

I came across this article and shared it on facebook the other day but figured I’d share it here too. This article has tips for preparing your child with autism for Halloween.

And now I guess I should clean my house.