Friday Favourites #5

By Behindtheseclosedeyes @theseclosedeyes
Another week has passed and I can't believe I'm nearly halfway through my Easter break already. I feel as though I have done absolutely nothing apart from laze about and eat so that basically sums up my week. Next week I will need to push on with more work for university but for now I will make the most of lazy time! This week features some of your more basic items and that's really because I have been concentrating on going 'back to basics' with my make-up and skincare. Make-up wipes are always handy for those nights when you just can't be bothered to get the trusty Cleanse and Polish out, a good concealer has been a godsend as the current uni semester has played havoc on my sleeping patterns and ultimately under my eyes, you can never go wrong with a lovely piece of soap that smells like Snow Fairy, and my favorite nude polish has been a must have for instantly making my hands look a million times nicer.

This week I have been loving: Boots Essentials Cleansing Wipes, Benefit Erase Paste, Essie Topless & Barefoot (swatched here), and Lush Angels Delight Soap (the Christmas edition which comes in a star shape).
What have been some of your favourites this week?