Friday Favourites #4

By Behindtheseclosedeyes @theseclosedeyes
I've been a horrible blogger this week with zilch posts but the Easter holidays are finally here (hooray!!), meaning there will be a lot of posts coming your way to make up for it. All assignments have been submitted and it's now time to relax and not have to worry about more work, for a few days at least. I thought I'd start back with a quick Friday favourites post for this week and to be honest there haven't been many things I have changed up this week, hence the lack of products featured. Once again tinted moisturisers are shifting their way into my make-up routine and I had forgotten about this Soap & Glory gem so it's making another welcome appearance. I'm sure there have been a million and one posts about Benefit Hervana so I won't say too much about it apart from the fact that I am in love with the truly gorgeous glow it gives to the cheeks. 

This week I have been loving: Soap & Glory Glow Job Moisture Lotion (reviewed here), Essie Mint Candy Apple, and Benefit Hervana.