Friday Favourites #10

By Behindtheseclosedeyes @theseclosedeyes
There seems to be a bit of a pink theme going on this week which was totally coincidental, not that I'm complaining as you can't go wrong with some pink (in my eyes at least). More studying and exams means I haven't been bothering too much about make-up this week and unfortunately the same can be said about skin-care due to sheer laziness. Bad me, I know. Blackheads and flaky skin have been plaguing me this week and it was Soap & Glory to the rescue (yet again), I've been loving a natural peachy glow for the cheeks as opposed to a more obvious pink, dewy skin has been my finish of choice with a subtle highlight, and cracked lips are a thing of the past thanks to the Nivea Lip Care gloss which also smells ahhhmazing. I don't know about you but I always seem to get the worst chapped lips when exam time comes around, or any stress for the most part.

This week I have been loving: Nivea Lip Care Caregloss & Shine, Benefit High Beam, VIVO Baked Blush in Peaches and Cream, and Soap & Glory Scrub Your Nose In It (reviewed here). What have been your favourites this week?