Friday Evening Catch up

By Maddie @maddiestweets
hey all!
thought i'd check in on what's going on in my life :)
1. i've been back at school and that's why i haven't been posting as much. It's my last year (year 11) so soon i'll be picking what i want to do for a levels and choosing what college i want to go to. it's all going so fast! it's daunting to be thinking that i might be going seperate ways to my friends, but at the same time it's exciting because i just want a change from school.. i feel so bored with it! let me know if any of you are going throught the choosing your a levels stage, or if you have any advice :)
2. as of today it's 79 days til christmas acording to santa clause on twitter. how exciting! christmas is my absolute favorite time of the year!
3. as you know, it was my birthday a couple of weeks ago and, unfortunately, it's pretty much all gone now. i mostly brought clothes, so if you want to see things i brought with my birthday money let me know!
4. i've been to a lot of new music lately! i've been loving two door cinema club (as you know,) and i've been loving noah and the whale, the hurts, the vaccines, the wombats - love them. and of course, i've been listening to a bit of the ratpack and the beatles, along with ella fitzgerald and sam cooke ;) you can't get more varied really, can you!?
5. i really want to start doing outfit of the days, the only thing is i've got to find someone to take pictures, or somewhere to put my camera to take pictures. so you might see some ootd's coming up! maybe! no promises!
so yeah! sorry it's not a beauty related post or anything, just a bit of a ramble. just wanted to check in and let you all know what i've been up to and some ideas for my blog. let me know what you think of some of the ideas!
thanks for reading!
maddie xx