Friday, August 10: 9 to 1PM

Posted on the 10 August 2012 by Drguida @RobertGuidaMD


9 to 9:30am: VersaPulse laser treatment on female patient, late 20′s.  Patient looking to minimize fine red veins on her nose.  Treatment takes only half an hour.

The VersaPulse laser combines four different into one unit.  According to an article in Duke Medicine News and Communications “The benefit of combining lasers is that doctors can quickly switch from one laser to another if the blemish requires a different light wavelength.”  Compared to older lasers the VersaPulse is less traumatic to skin tissue, results in less bruising, requires a shorter time period to see results and is a less expensive.

9:30 to 10am: VersaPulse laser treatment on female patient, early 30′s.  Patient looking to minimize veins in her legs.

11 to 11:30am: Laser hair removal on female patient, early 30′s.  Generally it takes 3 treatments to see a difference and can take as many as 5 treatments for final results.  To learn more about laser hair removal click here.

11:30 to 12pm: Laser resurfacing with Titan Laser, non-ablative for dark circles under the eyes.  Laser done on female patient, mid-50′s.

12 to 12:30pm: Laser resurfacing with Titan Laser, non-ablative for birth marks on temple.  Patient in her late teens.

12:30 to 1pm: Laser hair removal on female patient, late 30′s.

To schedule an appointment for Laser Treatments visit us at