Freeze-Dried Poop Pills Being Tested for Obesity Treatment

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Here's a contender for the most gross weight loss method ever: How about eating poop?

This is actually serious research:

Arstechnica: Freeze-Dried Poop Pills Being Tested for Obesity Treatment

Gut bacteria and weight

There's been a ton of speculation on the connection between the bacteria in our gut - our microbiome - and weight control. It's a hot area of research.

There are clear differences in the bacteria in the gut of obese and thin people. But this does not tell us what is causing what. It may simply be that refined carbohydrates and sugary drinks promote obesity AND change the gut flora, compared to eating real food.

Some small studies indicate that adding certain bacteria to food may perhaps lead to weight loss in humans. But it's too early to say for certain, these results will have to be repeated.

This study

The study above is the first time researchers actually try to transplant gut bacteria between humans, for weight loss. It's a randomized, placebo controlled trial so the results - whatever they will be - could be believable.

If it turns out to work, would you eat poop to lose weight?


Health, Weight and Gut Flora

How to Lose Weight - 18 tips, no poop required