Footbawww Fridie

By Wendiw80 @asouthernyogi
That is pronounced Fry - die (heavy e). That's how southern people pronounce Friday. I had so many things I wanted to discuss today but I thought today would be a good day to talk about Football Traditions. The reason College Football is 1 million bajillion trablillion better than NFL is because of the traditions. Each school has some kind of song/cheer/entrance/animal that makes it unique. Here are my top 5 -
5. University of Georgia - UGA
Thanks to the Bleacher Report, I got a little information about how this tradition began. Apparently in 1943, an Georgia grad brought a bulldog to a game and they won. They adopted the English Bulldog as their mascot and officially became, - The Georgia Bulldogs. Since then, every UGA has been from the same bloodline as the original UGA.
According to Wiki, Russ is the current mascot and is only a fill in since UGA VII died of cancer earlier this year.
Original UGA - source
4. University of Arkansas - Woo Pig SooieArkansas's mascot is a Razorback, which, again, according to Wikipedia, is a feral pig. And evidently, a feral pig comes to "Woo Pig Sooie". This is something you have to see to believe. It. is. awesome. 
This is how you learn it

This is it in action
3. Colorado University - Ralphie the BuffaloI'm very grateful that I have been able to witness this in person. Clemson played Colorado in the Champs Sports Bowl, 2005. 
In 1934, students rented a bison to be at the game. The idea stuck and over the years, we were introduced to Ralphie. My experience with Ralphie was a shock because I did not expect them to bring a Buffalo to Orlando, FL. All of the sudden, I looked up and there was a huge buffalo running across the field, dragging two people behind him. That was Ralphie. 

2. University of Alabama - Rammer Jammer Yellow HammerI heart this cheer. The band plays "The Hey Song" and sends a message to their opponent. The crowd will say, Hey _____ (insert university name here). Then they say "We just beat the hell out of you. Rammer Jammer Yellow Hammer, Give 'em hell Alabamer"
One of my fav things ever....

and finally....
drrrruuummmm rrrrooollllllllll....
of course it's going to be Clemson - 
1. Clemson University - Howard's Rock Story is that a clemson alum brought part of the rock from the real Death Valley to Clemson's Death Valley. It sat in his office for several years until someone (not Howard) put it on a pedestal at the top of the hill. Clemson ran down the hill, touched the rock and beat University of Virginia that game. Howard then used that momentum and told the players, "Give me 110% or keep your filthy hands off of my rock". That was the beginning of what is described as the Most Exciting 25 Seconds in College Football. Now you've got some haters that like to run out of tunnel and say they're entrance is the best, but when multiple people do it, ahem university of miami, university of south carolina, ever high school team in the nation, ahem, it's not super special. But anywhos....