Foodie Fridays: Bear Bites!

By Ireviewuread

In the late evening of a random Friday, Anais and I were walking towards Scape* underground when suddenly, a wonderful fried chicken scent caught our noses.

"Hmmp what nice smell… I simply must taste this!"

Abandoning our goal of heading towards the Scape underground, we made a left turn towards this Taiwanese Chinese looking store called: Bear Bites!

Look at Anais eager little face in front of the store!

We go straight to the menu and realized that they are selling Bear Paw Buns (Cute much!) and we took the 3 steps needed to order!:

  1. Choose your meat: Karaage Crispy Chicken/ Oishi Fish Fillet
  2. Choose your Bun: Original Milk / Oat / Brown Sugar / Yam / Curry / Squid Ink / Strawberry (seasonal)
  3. Choose your sauce: Mushroom / Sweet & Spicy Thai / Black Pepper / Tartar / Honey mustard / Golden Cheese

For those who order a set (more worth it) you have to take 2 extra steps:

  1. Choose your side dish: Cheese Fries / Fries
  2. Choose your drinks : Pokka green tea, milk tea, soy bean….(I forgot the rest)

Anyways we ordered our Bear Paw and head over to the small outdoor area for a seat!

On every table there’s this candle lighted lamp which will be lit as darkness approaches. On some table there’s even a little pot of plant for decoration purposes!

If you think a candle light lamp is romantic enough, try dining under a huge tree, outdoor with picnic benches and table and this cute candle light lamp! On top of that, you can hear 987 music from nearby!

My point? It’s a romantic atmosphere to dine at!

Anyhow, after waiting and waiting with our stomachs grumbling like mad, our Bear Paw set finally came!:

Presenting the Bear Paw!

Here’s what I ordered:

  1. Karaage Crispy Chicken
  2. Original Milk Bun
  3. Golden Cheese sauce
  4. Fries (Medium size tube of fries!)
  5. Jasmine Pokka Green Tea (They give you the whole bottle!)

As seen from above, the Bear Paw concept resembles the Chinese Kong Bak Pau!

Taste test!: I find the Bun of the Bear Paw very soft and the chicken is definitely crispy (and it’s the kind of crispy where there is still lots of meat and not because you are eating the flour kind of crispy). At the first few bites of the bun, you can;t really taste the cheese. Halfway down, then I tasted the slightly sweet cheese sauce. After I finished the Bun, there’s still some cheese sauce remaining at the bottom so I use it to dip my fries! 

For the fries, I don’t find anything special except that it looks like Wendy’s thick fries and taste like normal fries.

Overall, I would give this bun 4 and a half IreviewUread smiles for I love the overall taste but I can’t really taste the milk bun and the sauce is a little bit too watery.

However, on another hand, you want a cheap romantic atmosphere with good food which is not too fancy, Bear Bites is a definite MUST GO place! 

Would I return for another bear paw? A definite YES! (Hmmp, I wonder what does the curry bun, mushroom sauce and fish taste like)

Located at:

2 Orchard Link #02-42 *Scape

Singapore 237978

(Last time Long John Silver was located here!)

Check out Bear Bites! Facebook page HERE