Flying Pistachios: Chomel Necklace Winning

By Ireviewuread

Remember a few months back where I won the Agreable necklace?

Well, now I’ve won a shiner necklace from a blogger! Like blog shop owners, bloggers are very thoughtful in preparing their gifts for their giveaways!

No, I’m not trying to boost myself but instead, I’m talking about the blogger, Qi Yun from Flying Pistachios!

Look at the thoughtful handwritten note and the cute bunny stickers!

This is the Gold Tri-Chain necklace which I’ve won!

The necklace is so shiny that if you look closely, you can see my reflection in it!

Check out her Chomel review (also the contest post for the necklace) here:


Do support Qi Yun for her posts and future giveaways!: