Flower Tips, Literally | Blossoms Bright, Bring Me Light…

By Blessmybag @blessmybag

A little quiet over here yes, been a bit more busy as a bee would be, so it’s no wonder I’ve been hovering over these and pruning them to my heart’s delight.  A tip for keeping flowers perky is to not just immediately dunk them in a vase of water as is but to do so after first cutting the bottom tips of each stem at a diagonal angle so they don’t clog up when touching the bottom of the vase.  Also trim any leaves near the bottom of the stems so they don’t drown and rot in the water making the water bad for the flowers to take in.  Once you do this and leave them for a few hours so they can drink, come back later and touch the petals you’ll notice if some of them were wilting when you first bought them they’ll suddenly feel perked up.  To keep flowers alive longer do the same diagonal trimming of stem tips every few days (daily if you’re OC) and change the water everyday to every other day.

“Delight yourselves in God, yes, find your joy in him at all times. Have a reputation for gentleness, and never forget the nearness of your Lord. Philippians 4:4 JB PHILLIPS version”

I inserted a blossom as a garnish into my Sola iced tea this morning to cheer myself up (for mom flowers make sure it’s only the blossom, no stems or leaves).  I popped the airtight cap on the bottle first for safety, drank a bit to make space, closed it and shook up a storm to get foam and poured it into a glass, tada, al fresco worthy iced tea.  I’ve been a bit under the weather deep inside, so apologies for the sudden calm over here.  God is faithful and He’s been bringing me closer to Him in ways I never thought possible.  As it turns out I needed a bit of diagonal trimming myself.  On the brighter side, there’s something real exciting by the way I have to show once I receive the photos, can’t wait to share that with you.