Fla-ver [‘Fla•VƏr] Artisan Crafted Candies and Dispenser on Kickstarter

By Glasgow Skinner/ My Life On And Off The Guest List @guestlistblog

We all loved candy as children, and many of us still have our sweet tooth firmly intact but sometimes as an adult, we desire candy that's a bit more grownup, candy that's a bit better for us. Let's face it, as adults, we lose our childhood metabolism, much like our childhood innocence. What if we told you, there was a great adult candy, that not only tasted great, but is actually good for you? Candy made with natural flavors and colors, that are artisan crafted, in small batches. Say hello to Fla-ver ['Fla*VƏr] Candies, gluten-free treats that boasts natural ingredients, are under 95 calories per serving, and come in six wonderful flavors.

Fla-ver Candies allow you to enjoy candy without the guilt and are available in flavors that range traditional, to foodie inspired. Enjoy the wonderful flavors of Mint (essence of Rosemary creme), Peppermint (refreshing twist on the classic bliss), Popcorn (salty, buttery goodness), Pineapple Jalapeno (mild treat of aloha heat), Lime Chipotle (feisty yet friendly fiesta), and Cherry (roasted rich and savory sweet) . And because this is an adult candy, it comes housed in sophistication. Fla-Vers comes with a companion Artisan Crafted Dispenser, which boasts a sleek and clean design, easy loading and one touch dispense, to delivers perfect low calorie portions of Bliss. These fab flavors are available in 25gm treat-size packs for deliciousness on the go, and a 16oz/1 lb refill-sized bag.

This delectable treats are raising funds through their Kickstarter campaign, and are rewarding backers with goodies which range from candy and dispenser in your flavor of choice, t-shirts, and the opportunity to be a Flaverologist for a Day with airfare, hotel accommodations, and a visit to their factory to make your own candy. Want to know more? Visit the Flaver Artisan Crafted Candies Kickstarter project page now.