Five Ways To Protect Your Privacy Online

By Rolala @rolalaloves

If you've been paying attention to the news at all, you probably heard that Facebook was hacked again recently.  This of course follows on the heels of the exposure of their information gathering techniques among other shady practices. I have some concerns when it comes to Facebook and if I didn't have a blog I probably wouldn't use it at all. That's why it absolutely confounds me that people still post all sorts of personal information and photos on there.  But then I guess there are those who have nowhere else to exercise their overarching need for attention. Beyond that, people should be concerned that a so called "safe" network can be so easily infiltrated and more than once at that.
While the internet is a resource that most of us use on a daily basis in a professional and personal capacity, it can also be used to track and trace our identities and reveal our personal information if we're not careful. That's why we need to take our privacy seriously. While I may be a blogger, and I write about topics which are highly personal and relevant to me, my privacy matters and I make  a deliberate effort not to put myself out there online. This includes limiting photos of myself and not sharing many personal details. I can assure you that I am who I present myself to be on here and those of you have have met me can vouch that I'm a real person. And here are some measures that I employ to protect my privacy online.