Five Things In My Gym Bag

By Fitfulfocus @fitfulfocus

I love Monday holidays because that means the work week is only four days long and Friday comes faster! Woohoo! Since it’s Friday, I’m linking up with You Signed Up For What?!, Mar On the Run, and Eat Pray Run DC for another fabulous Friday Five party! This week’s theme is “Five Things In Your Gym Bag” which gives me the perfect excuse to showcase some of the amazing products featured in the Blogiversary Bonanza GIVEAWAY! Have you entered yet? What are you waiting for? Seriously. Go. Enter. Here. Now. 

All entered? Great! Onto the Friday Five!

  1. Sweat Pink Shoelaces! No matter what sneaks I’m rocking, I make sure they’re laced up with my awesome pink laces. Pink makes everything better, don’t you think? Don’t forget you can win a pair as part of the Blogiversary Bonanza GIVEAWAY! (psst… you can enter over here!) 

  2. Lunatik Athletiks Compression Socks. I. Love. These. Socks. Not only is the compression good for my muscles and blood flow during and post workout, but they make me feel pretty darn cute. I mean, take the picture above. Look at me and now look at Goofy. Now back to me. Now look down. What do you see? The most awesomely polka dotted compression socks in the world, that’s what. And you could have those socks. If you win this awesome giveaway. (Sorry, felt like I had to go a little Old Spice Isaiah Mustafa on you there.) 

  3. Nathan Sport QuickDraw Plus Water Bottle. Every workout requires a hydration buddy (aka a bottle filled with water or electrolyte drink) and this is mine. This bad boy fits perfectly into the palm of my hand (pictures above are of the bottle one of you will win… enter here). It’s super easy to carry while I’m running outside (inside it goes in the treadmill cup holder or next to whatever machine/area I’m using). It’s so comfortable I forget I’m holding it most of the time. Until I get thirsty. And them I’m all, “Hoo my goodness… I’m so (gasp) thirsty. (gasp pant pant) If only I had something to quench this desert-like dryness in my mouth. What’s this? A water bottle? Oh yea! My QuickDraw Plus! I forgot it was there!”** It also has a handy-dandy pocket in the front for your iPhone, keys, or your…

  4. ENERGYbits! These little bits are jam-packed with the good-for-you goodness of algae – yup! The stuff from the sea! Algae is super for workouts. It helps to improve your energy, increase your stamina, and eliminates fatigue or hunger. Post sweat-sesh, it helps clean out toxins, speed recovery, reduce inflammation, and helps build lean muscle. Super Algae to the rescue! You can check out my full review here and enter to win some here! 
  5. My makeup bag. – So I go to the gym. I pull on my Lunatik Athletik Compression socks, lace up my Sweat Pink shoelaces, fill up my Nathan Sport Quickdraw Plus, down some ENERGYbits and go get my sweat on. After an hour to an hour and a half workout, I’m more or less a hot mess. But then, it’s time for work! I jump in the shower (I also have all my toiletries and a towel in my gym bag) and get dressed (work clothes also in bag). The finishing touch? Cover that sweaty red face with some makeup. Something subtle. Not too over done. Ain’t nobody got time for that. Then I throw everything back in the bag and hi-ho, hi-ho it’s off to work I go! Here’s me all did up with my post-workout drink (also in my gym bag – seriously, my bag is straight outta Mary Poppins). 

So there you have it. Did you happen to catch all those shameless plugs of my Blogiversary Bonanza GIVEAWAY? No. Ok here’s one more. Go enter for your chance to win all these awesome prizes! 

Don’t forget to check out the other blogs participating in the Friday Five Link Up, and tell me, what’s in your gym bag?

**May be an exaggeration.