Five Summer Goals

By Fitfulfocus @fitfulfocus

Fridays in the summer are the best. They’re like getting ready for a mini vacation every week! Except I’m pretty sure I’m going to have to work this weekend – but maybe I can take my work to the park and enjoy the sunshine! 

Friday also means I’m linking up again with the DC Trifecta (Mar on the Run, Eat Pray Run DC, and You Signed Up for What?!) for the Friday Five link up! This week’s theme is GOALS. Not GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOALs like in the World Cup (can’t believe that’s already over), but goals in the broader sense – unless of course your goal is to score in soccer. Anywaysssss here are five of my fit, focused, and fun goals for the summer! 

  1. Keep up with my 12 Weeks to a Fit Physique workouts and meal plan. - So far, so good! This week was my 3rd week, so I have a ways to go – but I’ve been really liking the workouts and I’ve been getting better at counting my macros.  
  2. Relax as much as possible. - I’m very guilty of using my weekends to catch up on errands and chores and not taking enough time to relax. Anyone else? I need to take more time to just get outside to explore or do more just to turn off and check out instead of check the boxes off my to do list. 
  3. Run outside more.Since getting injured a few weeks back, I’ve been sticking to mostly treadmill runs, but it’s beautiful outside in the early mornings! I need to take advantage of this nice weather while we have it and get in more outdoor runs. 
  4. BBQ in the park. – I live very close to Prospect Park, a gorgeous park in Brooklyn. My boyfriend and I have been wanting to get a little portable grill and have picnics out there, but we’ve yet to do it. Gotta get on that before summer’s end. 
  5. Keep decorating for the holidays. – One of my New Year’s resolutions was to decorate my apartment more for the holidays. I was really good through Easter, but I’ve been slacking this summer with Memorial Day & the 4th of July. I’ll have to get back at it for Labor Day!

    A few wall decorations from Super Bowl, Valentine’s Day, and Easter

What are your goals for the summer?

I hope one of them includes winning one of the awesome giveaways I have going on! There’s still time to enter both so get your entries in to win a Health & Fitness Goodie Bag and/or a Swanson Health Products Shopping Spree! 

 a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway