Five Friday Favourites #5

By Poorva @beautifuljrny

Hey everyone!

I’m here with my favorite products of this week!

The winters here are very very harsh it went upto -10 degree Celsius last week. And it has already snowed 2-3 times in the last month. Eeeee I saw snowfall for the first time in my life. I was very excited but the excitement pretty much died down because of the cold LOL

And the cold weather is also responsible for the pathetic pictures in today’s post. It’s very hard to take pictured in this gloomy weather and it gets dark by 4pm only so, I had to edit the pictures by brightening them a little. I never add effects to my pictures in review posts as those should give you the real picture but since this is just a favourites post, I boosted the brightness a little

So, here are my 5 favourites of this week….

Bath & Body Works Vanilla Bean Noel Shower gel. I reviewed this here last week. I’ve been using this constantly since I bought it I’m just not getting over its sweet caramel vanilla scent for more on the shower gel, read the full review.

Soap & Glory A great kisser Juicy Peach lip balm. This is such a gorgeous lip balm with an awesome awesome fragrance. It’s made all my lip balms sit back and I just can’t stop using this alllll the time review coming up next week!

The Body Shop Spa Wisdom Morocco Argan oil and orange blossom body soufflé. Phew such a long name I had been eyeing this for a long time in india but I found it too expensive. Since I didn’t bring any body products with me here to Chicago, I needed some body care stuff and this was one of the first ones I bought because I found it on a 50% off sale I’ll review this super soon. It has a very different fragrance from anything I’ve used so far and its consistency is perfect for normal skin and for summers because it’s so light and gets absorbed instantly. And the highlight of this product is definitely the container I’ll show you more pics when I review it in detail!

Bath & Body Works Autumn Blackberry body lotion. I bought this too along with the BBW shower gel at quite a cheap price and this one smells just heavenly! It’s one of the most amazing scents I’ve tried in a long time. Its fruity, its rich its perfect!

Clinique face wash for skin type 3. I bought the Clinique 3 step skin care routine recently and I’m loving the whole routine a lot! And my favorite of the three right now is the facial wash. Its gel based and cleans the face so well! It’s awesome!

I told you in my previous post that I hauled quite some good stuff this November and I’ll be putting up a haul post with the amazing stuff I got next week! So don’t forget to stop by then

Those who follow me on Instagram(poorva28) would have seen pictures of some of the stuff

Have a great weekend guys

And do share your current favorites with me in the comments below