Fitness Things That Inspire My Fitness

By Fitfulfocus @fitfulfocus

Happy Friday! Have you all entered the TWO awesome giveaways I have going on right now? No? What are you waiting for? Go enter this one:

And this one:

And then come on back here for some Friday Five hosted by Mar, Courtney, and Cynthia! This week’s theme: Fitness Inspirations. I chatted here about 5 People that Inspire My Fitness, so I thought I’d take this opportunity to chat about 5 Things (we’re living in a material world, and I am a material girl – sing it with me!) That Inspire My Fitness

  1. That feel good feeling – Whenever I’m feeling a little lackluster about working out, I try to remind myself about how energized, refreshed, and badass I’ll feel afterwards. Oh hi, endorphins, welcome to my day!
  2. New workout clothes – Like any girl, I get excited about new clothes and want to wear them right away even if it’s not the right time. For example, I’ll change my workout from yoga to running so I can wear a new high impact sports bra. If only I didn’t have to do laundry afterwards…
  3. Goals – Having goals always inspires me to stay on track. When I have a goal, I can make a plan. That way, when I wake up, I know exactly what workout I have to do that day. This is why I love long-term plans like 12 Weeks to a Fit Physique, p90x, Insanity, and training for races. 
  4. Bling – Is there anything better than achieving a goal and getting a metal for it? Ok, a million dollars would be nice… or a puppy… but I’ll settle for some bling.
  5. Food – The more you workout, the more food you can eat and the more wine you can drink! Need I say more?

Inspiration can come from anywhere. What inspires you to stay fit? #fridayfive
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Let’s chat:
What inspires your fitness?

————–> Oh and don’t forget about those giveaways! <————
There’s this awesome one: The Mega Awesome Stuff Giveaway.
And this other awesome one: Vita-Web Probiotic Giveaway.