Fitness Friday Muscle Soreness

By Fitnspicy @fitnspicy

If you work out hard I am sure at some point in time you have been sore. That feeling when it hurts to wash your hair or walk up the stairs. I associate that as good pain. Yes it hurts but it’s a result of using different muscles and I am all for a good workout.

With the past few weeks of trying some new workouts I have been extra sore and have been reaching for a few remedies to help alleviate some of that soreness. A few of my favorite methods:

Biofreeze on sore muscles. This store is wonderful and really does help!

Heat and Ice. The old standby of alternating heat and ice. Using a heating pad and a cold compress. I have a large Ace reusable one that works really well. I do 15-20 minutes of heat followed by 15-20 minutes of ice. It helped with some of the discomfort in my shoulder and neck.

Going to see a Chiropractor! I am a big believer in this, especially for my headaches. I am in a cycle of going a few times a week to help with some neck pain and headaches and it is slowly getting better. My neck tends to get really out of alignment and they only way to make it feel better is to go get a manipulation. I would much rather use a natural method than have to take pain relievers.

All three of these things helped this week! I worked out hard.

Saturday: RPM (Cycling Class, I did 20 miles!) and Grit

Sunday: C2 Yoga

Monday: Off Day

Tuesday: Yoga Sculpt

Wednesday: Body Pump

Thursday: Yoga Sculpt

Friday: Hoping to actually use my bike I got for Christmas for the first time!

Saturday: Grit and  Yoga Sculpt

Sunday: RPM