Fitness Friday Leg Days

By Fitnspicy @fitnspicy

Happy Friday! It’s supposed to be 70+ and sunny today. Can’t wait to sit out on our deck tonight. Especially since this amazing weather will be short lived, it’s back to reality by Sunday with temps only in the low 50’s. With the fabulous weather we’ve had this week I’ve taken advantage of it and spent some time outside and took the dogs on a few long walks.

Sunday: Cardio and weights

Monday: Off but a walk with the dogs

Tuesday: Yoga Sculpt

Wednesday: Fitness Blender Leg Workout and Walk with the dogs

Thursday: Yoga Sculpt

Friday: Off! My legs are sore today.

Saturday: Planning on spin class and a Lift Weights Faster 2 workout

A great week of workouts and I feel amazing because of it! Increased energy (minus the insomnia) and that great sore feeling in my legs, especially my quads and hamstrings. I’m doing a 4 week booty boot camp program. Lot’s of legs! Mixing that in with Lift Weights Faster and Yoga Sculpt and I know I am going to be feeling it. I can’t recommend their workouts enough! Especially if you are short on time and want to get in your workout at home. They are real people who provide great workouts for free (or a low price for a program like this). The lower body weight video I did Wednesday was brutal. So many variations of squats and deadlifts. My 30lb kettlebell came in handy to make sure I was lifting enough weight.

We had a heavy leg day yesterday in yoga sculpt with lots of lunges and squats. I knew when I went to bed last night I would be sore today. And I was correct! Right before bed I even took ZMA to help with soreness. I was sent a sample and have been taking it all week. Look for updates later this month on how I feel it worked. A combination of zinc, magnesium, B6 and theanine. All are supposed to help with muscle recovery and sleep. Fingers crossed!