Fitness Friday: Injuries

By Fitnspicy @fitnspicy

Disclosure: I am participating in the Verizon Health and Fitness Voices program and have been provided  with a wireless device & tablet and six months of service in exchange for my honest opinions about the product.

It’s that dreaded word. Injury. I have had a pretty good streak in all my years of working out. And while this isn’t a workout related injury it is an old injury from high school that has decided to act up. I tore my ACL in 99 and had a few surgeries on it, for the most part it doesn’t really bother me. A little soreness here and there but nothing too major. I have found that the more active I stay the better I feel. Cardio, yoga, and lifting weights help keep the knee and surrounding muscles strong.

I stayed with my normal workout schedule while we are in Vegas and we are doing lots of walking around, I had a 17K step day!! I really can’t mention enough how much I love my Fitbit.

I had noticed a little extra soreness in my knee the last few weeks and by Tuesday morning it was the size of a softball and seriously hurting. Not just sore but full on pain. Thank goodness for the walk in orthopedic clinic! In and out in just over an hour. The good news- nothing turn again but the bad news is pretty bad tendonitis and lots of scar tissue. Not really what I wanted to hear but its treatable.

We are stating with a few days off from the gym (Tuesday through at least tomorrow), Advil every 4 hours, ice/heat throughout the day (this one is hard at work) and steroids to reduce the inflammation. I am not crazy about the steroids but that was the least invasive option. And it’s only 5 days worth. I am trying hard to just go with this, take my rest days, the medication and take it easy on my knee. A few days off aren’t worth an additional injury!

P.S. Katie M was the Metromint winner, I will email you!