Fitness Friday: First Full Week

By Fitnspicy @fitnspicy

As we progress through January I have a few fitness related things on my mind. It’s January, the time of year when the gyms are packed and people are trying to get into a workout routine. And I know people complain about how busy the gym is, myself included. But I have really been focusing on smiling at everyone at the gym/crossfit/yoga because we are all there to improve our health. Everyone has to start somewhere and the more welcome I make them feel the more likely they are to stay!

Since it was the first full week of January it felt great to get back to my routine! I had let myself slide with my workouts during the week and I was back to my normal schedule this week and that is such a great feeling.

Workouts This Week:

Sunday: Insanity Max and a quick weight workout

Monday: Off

Tuesday: Crossfit. We focused on seated shoulder press and then 3 rounds of: 10 kettlebell press, sumo deadlifts, push-ups, back extensions and 100 jump rope. Every body part was feeling this workout and I am really loving the variety. Scott has been going with me and it’s so fun to workout together.

Wednesday: Insanity Max

Thursday: Yoga Sculpt

Friday: Planning on doing Insanity  Max and some weights tonight

Saturday: Leaving for Colorado

I can not profess my love of Insanity Max enough. Awesome workout that pushes you to your limits and is FUN. As hard as those 30 minutes are I feel so good after. I end up burning 300+ calories and am a big sweaty mess after. Order it! I know you will love it.

Tomorrow morning we are leaving for a nice long drive to Colorado for a week. I’ve never been and we are staying with some friends in the mountains and I am so excited to go skiing, snowshoeing, snowmobiling and enjoy the beautiful outdoors.