Fitness Friday #3

By Yougottabegorgeousx @yougottabgorgex
I'm back for my third check in of this little series, this week has been ok for me but it could have been much better. I decided to join in with #aprilabs and follow the Blogilates April calender, so I started on the first of April and that was the only one I did. It killed me and I'm not gonna lie I was flagging by the last video. I didn't realize how long each day was going to take, I naively (is that a word) thought it was going to be a quick 10 minute things, it's not it's like 40 minutes. By the time I actually am ready to start I just want to go to sleep. I haven't kept up with that but I hope to try and do at least one of her videos a day, and now it's my Easter hols I have no excuses.
Also this week, I think, it has come out (that is not the right phrasing) that we need to be eating 7-10 portions of fruit/veg a day. This is not good news for me, being a fruit hater and a veg avoider. My friend and I decided yesterday we would bring in 5 portions to school and eat them before the first lesson so that was over with. I did take five but my little tangerine was mushed to smithereens. But I have had 4 portions and I know I'm having another 2 for dinner so you know, I am on target. I have also been getting back into drinking green tea. I used drink this everyday then I just couldn't be bothered. But today I took my little flask and I quite enjoyed it. The thing with green tea is that it is very bitter, and sometimes you (well me) just don't want something that bitter to hit your taste buds.


Anyway, a ramble from my third Fitness Friday. I thought I would end my post by setting myself goals for the next week. 
Drink 2L of water a dayEat at least 5 portions of fruit/veg a dayExercise, some form of cardio and blogilates once a dayStretch
You guys may not feel the need to stretch but I am a dancer and a particularly unflexible one at that so I want to be in the splits asap. 
What are your goals? Do you eat 7-10 portions a day?
Allie x
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