Fitness Blogger Meet & Tweet

By Fitfulfocus @fitfulfocus

Last Thursday, I had the honor of attending the Fitness Blogger Meet & Tweet, aka #FitBlogNYC! If you follow me on social media, #sorrynotsorry for inundating your feed with pics and tweets from the event because it. Was. AWESOME!

I arrived at the Mercedes Club (which is a SUPER fancy gym!) a bit early (they were still setting up – whoops!), but soon enough other bloggers started arriving. I met Danielle from CheerFit Training and we found out that we’re more or less the same person! Seriously, we live on the same street, grew up in the same general area, and went to the same college. Small. World. I got super excited when Annmarie from The Fit Foodie Mama walked in the door. We’ve been blogger friends for a while and I’m happy to say she’s just as awesome in real life as she is BTB (behind the blog <— I just made that up. You’re welcome.) Then I got more hug on when Lindsey (Lindsey Weighs In)  arrived. I met Lindsey briefly at Blend and was pumped to get to know her better IRL (in real life <— can’t take credit for that one). 

Soon enough, they were inviting us in. We got some breakfast (delicious gluten-free and vegan scones, fruit salad, and fresh juices) and grabbed seats. 

That’s Annmarie on the left and Lindsey on the right

We heard three amazing women talk: Holly Rilinger (former NBA player and current Nike Training Coach), Marci Goolsby (Assistant Attending Physician at Hospital for Special Surgery), and Carla Hall (one of my favorite Top Chef contestants ever and co-host of The Chew!). 

Holly Rilinger, Marci Goolsby, Me & Carla!

All three women were awesome! A little bit about what they chatted about:

Holly’s chat was called “The New Formula for Fitness Success.” I agree with everything she said, including that fitness is not a one-size-fits-all thing. You have to switch it up to find what works for you and what you have a passion for. (<— couldn’t agree more!) She also touched on fitness fads, one of which is the trend of super fast workouts. One of my favorite quotes from her chat: 

"If you only have 7 min to workout, use that time to figure out how you can find more time to workout." – @hollyrilinger at #fitblognyc

— Nicole Renee (@fitfulfocus) October 16, 2014


 Marci’s chat was called “CrossFit, Mud Runs, Marathons! How to Stay Healthy in a Hard-Core World.” She talked about how to avoid injuries by adjusting nutrition properly, easing into new forms of exercise, and having variety in cross training. The best piece of advice I took away from Marci?

"The most important thing to prevent soreness is staying mobile." – tip from @hspecialsurgery at #fitblognyc

— Nicole Renee (@fitfulfocus) October 16, 2014


 Carla’s session was entitled, “Eat Healthier, Live Happier: Game-Changing Cooking Secrets.” The schedule of events for #FitBlogNYC wasn’t released ahead of time so I was SO PUMPED to see THE Carla Hall on the list of speakers. Her energy is so ridiculously contagious. I just want her to come be my biffle (and make me dinner, of course!). She had some great tips for cooking. For instance, all you have to do to make a recipe brand new is change the spices. Don’t over think technique, just change the seasoning! She’s also a big believer in cooking with love and not sacrificing food culture for health – instead, she’s about finding the right balance. I could go on and on about the greatness that is Carla Hall, but I’ll just summarize it with my favorite quote from her:

It’s your job to be happy, not to be rich.

 Then it was time for lunch and to visit the sponsor booths! 

Shout out to all the great sponsors: Balance Bar, Dermalogica, Eddie Bauer, Hoka One One, Luna, Oster Versa, Pure Protein, Tonalin, & Tria

I got my plank on at the Tonalin booth with Lisa from Lisa Runs For Cupcakes and then headed to the Hoka One One booth for some new sneaks! I also got a tour of some new collections from Eddie Bauer with Lindsey and Rachel, and collected swag from everywhere, of course! 

Then it was time for a panel discussion with some big name bloggers: Laura from Two Fit Moms, Anne from fANNEtastic Food, and Bianca from Mizzfit. 

These gals talked a lot about authenticity, which I love! Be true to you and good things will follow.

By that time, the dreary day had turned into an absolutely beautiful one, so a few of us went for a run down the West Side Highway with Hoka One One. Annmarie really pushed me during this run! At one point, I felt like I was really struggling. Then Annmarie said, “We just ran a 7:45 mile.” WHAT THE WHAT?! No wonder I feel like I’m dying!! That’s a minute and half faster than my usual fast mile! Holy moly that girl is fast. But I kept up sooooo go me!

beautiful views, colorful shoes, and me and Annmarie

Then it was back to the Mercedes Club to pick up our swag bags. I shared this with you last week, but in case you missed it, this bag was no joke!

so. much. swag!

I had such an amazing time at this event and meet so many inspiring women. Big thanks to Fitness Magazine for putting it all together!

Check out this recap of #FitBlogNYC. Inspiring women, inspiring chats, and lots and lots of swag!
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Let’s Chat!
Which of the speakers can you relate to the most?
What do you think of the Hoka One One shoes?

Speaking of awesome things, don’t forget to check out the Puritan’s Pride Giveaway! Check out all the details here and/or enter below. 

 a Rafflecopter giveaway