Fit For Fall HIIT Workout

By Fitfulfocus @fitfulfocus

Welcome to another great Wild Workout Wednesday Link Up where Annmarie from The Fit Foodie Mama and I bring you workout ideas, motivation, inspiration and recipes to try. Join us each week by reading along, linking up and grab the button to proudly display on your blog/in your posts!

Before I get to today's post, I'm sad to say that Jen from Pretty Little Grub will no longer be cohosting the Wild Workout Wednesday Link Up. We'll miss her SO SO much, but the this link up will go on and you can still follow all of her amazing traveling adventures!

I was in New York/New Jersey last week visiting friends and family and celebrating my bridal shower. I had an amazing time, and it was nice to be back in NYC. I forgot how beautiful it gets in the city in early September. The air starts to get crisp in the mornings and the afternoons are perfect in the mid-seventies.

While the fall temps I'm used to in New York won't hit Austin for a while, I'm still excited for the fall season. Call me basic, but I'm all about boots, sweaters and all things pumpkin. All those pumpkin treats come with a price tag, however: our waistlines.

To make sure all that goodness doesn't overhaul all the progress we've made over the summer, I put together this full body HIIT workout to help us fall into fall!


Jump Squats: Stand with feet about hip width apart, feet turned slightly out. Send your hips back and drop down into a squat as low as you can go, keeping your torso upright and knees pointed out. You don't have to stop at 90 degrees if you have the mobility to drop down further. Once at your lowest, straighten your legs as you jump into the air. Land back down in a squat position. Repeat.

Shoulder Taps: Get in a plank position with hands under shoulders, back straight and core engaged. Keeping your core engaged and your hips square to the floor, lift your left hand up to tap your right shoulder. Place your hand back down. Lift your right hand up to tap your left shoulder. Place your hand back down. Repeat as quickly as possible while maintaining good form.

Half Burpees: Start standing with feet hip-width apart. Jump or step feet back and drop your hands under your shoulders (so you land in a plank position). Jump your feet back in and hop back up to stand, clapping your hands overhead as you do so. Repeat as soon as you land.

Plank Dips: Get in a forearm plank position with elbows under shoulders, back straight and core engaged. Dip your hips over to the left, return to center, dip your hips over to the right, return to center and repeat as quickly as possible while maintaining good form.

Jump Lunges: Start with feet hip width apart. Keeping your torso upright, step your right leg forward and bend at knee about 90 degrees, allowing your left knee to drop toward the floor. Jump in the air and quickly switch feet, landing with your left leg forward and right leg back in a lunge.

Tricep Dips: Get in a reverse tabletop position, with your feet on the floor and hands under the shoulders, torso facing the ceiling. Raise your hips up and keep them in line with your torso. Keep your core engaged as you bend your elbows toward the wall behind you. Press back up to start and repeat. Be careful not to let your hips drop or to use your legs to help assist you. Let your triceps do the work.

How will you be staying fit as we head into fall? Share your workouts and goals in the Wild Workout Wednesday Link Up.

Let's Chat:
Are you excited for fall?
Pumpkin-yay or nay?