Fit, Focused & Fun Finds (from Around the Web!) #40

By Fitfulfocus @fitfulfocus

Happy Thursday, which is really my Friday because my office is closed tomorrow. Long weekend, I see you! Let’s kick things off with a bang and some finds!

Fit, Focused, & Fun Finds are articles, posts, videos, memes, and anything I’ve come across while perusing the world wide web that I think you’d enjoy. Take a gander through these links and discover some new blogs, pubs and peeps to follow and perhaps learn some fun things in the process!

9 foods you shouldn’t refrigerate | PureWow
5 ingredient substitutions for everyday recipes | PureWow
26 quick and easy dinners ready in 15 minutes or less | Greatist

What a fun idea! Reebok Korea makes you run to watch your movie | PSFK
IT Band Stretches for Runners | Greatist
Hair styles for runners | ACTIVE

5 inspirational tees to add to your fall wardrobe | Well & Good
PoloTech shirt measures heart rate & calories burned | PSFK
The A-Z guide to the most supportive sports bras | Well & Good
Charge an iPhone with your jeans | PSFK
Hands-free umbrella designed so you can text in the rain – idk… people need to stop walking and texting… | PSFK
Melissa McCarthy’s new clothing line delivers a plus-size message | PSFK

This commercial made me smile | Creativity Online
This country has Disney princesses on it’s official currency | BuzzFeed
15 rare and wonderful treasures from throughout Disneyland’s history | Buzzfeed
This climate controlled bed would be awesome instead of all the money I spend using my window unit air conditioner. | PSFK

A genius $1 trick for treating sweat stains | PureWow
How to workout while binge watching your favorite shows | ACTIVE

3 bullsh*t beliefs I wish I’d let go of sooner | MindBodyGreen
This doctor has the rare ability to actually feel what you are feeling | Pacific Standard
Why it’s more than ok to indulge | Move Nourish Believe
9 top trainers on how they get moving when they’re not feeling it | MindBodyGreen
The best running accounts to follow on instagram | ACTIVE

In need of some conversation starters? Check out this roundup of finds!
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And don’t forget to swing on by tomorrow for the Fit & Fashionable Friday Link Up!

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Let’s Chat:
Would you run to watch a movie?
Who wants to petition the American treasury to put Disney characters on our currency?

What’s your favorite health/fitness instagram account?