First Date Phone Etiquette

By Reporterandgirl @reporterandgirl

Relationships can be tricky. And while the innovation of smartphones and social media have made it easier for people to stay in contact, the unavoidable and sometimes sad truth is that it has also led to a decline in the ability to connect on a personal level.

This can be doubly true when dating. First dates often have the potential to become awkward and uncomfortable (or second dates or even third dates for that matter), and sometimes the easy way out is to find a distraction. In these situations, the quick solution is to pull out your phone. Unfortunately, this is usually the worst thing you can do. Instead of taking a second to regroup and think of what to say or do next, phones often creates a distance between you and your date.

But, you might argue, what about those situations where it is helpful or advantageous to have a phone handy? Never fear. While there are some instances where a phone can be a valuable asset, there are some ways to make sure it doesn’t negatively affect your date at the same time. Here are a few etiquette tips regarding your phone when going on a date.

Plan Ahead

First dates can be amazing, but rarely are they spontaneous. Make sure to inform your friends and family that you will be unavailable for any kind of communication during the evening. While you may get some grief from some of your more sarcastic friends, it will definitely give you a leg up on the date.

Communicate Clearly

If you should need access to a potential call or text, say for a medical situation or work emergency, make sure to clearly communicate with your date. Let them know at the beginning what the situation is and that you may need to respond.

Be Prepared

Technology rules our world, and the ability to use it effectively can send a message that you are up to date and on the ball. Don’t be afraid to pull out your phone for a specific purpose such as confirming a reservation with OpenTable or using GPS to make sure you reach your destination on time. Just be sure to give your date your primary attention and your phone secondary.

Remember the Moment

Making sure to record the moment can have many advantages. Not only will you have a permanent memory of the night but it also can show your date that you care and truly want to remember the night. Taking advantage of the recent camera technology on phones like the Samsung Galaxy S4 will make sure that every detail is crisp and clear.

Ask Before Sharing

With apps like Instagram and Facebook, your first reaction might be to share any pictures and details of the evening with everyone you know. But, remember that you aren’t the only person involved. Make sure your date is alright with you posting the selfie you just took together, and, if they are, go crazy and share your fun with the world!

The most important thing to remember is always make your date your first priority. If you keep them the center of your attention and don’t get distracted by what might be happening in the world, they will feel both respected and appreciated. That will give you that much better of a chance in getting the second or third dates, or more!

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