Finding the Funny Alexa Skills

By Janmcinnis @janmcinnis

One thing I've not mentioned much is that I'm doing these short snippets on Alexa called "Flash Briefings." They are basically once a day 60 second skills that you can learn. Mine are titled Finding the Funny, and I give you some skills that I've learned from being a comedian. And no, they are skills to MAKE you be a comedian . . . you can use these skills for every day life.

This week I've been talking about giving a great introduction . . .because I've had so many bad ones. And Next week I'm talking about Memory Techniques. I do a short tip on these topics Monday - Friday, and then on Saturday, I give a tip on how to find humor, and on Sunday I do the "Sunday Funnies," where I have a clip of my clean comedy from a live show.

Check it out if you have a minute . . .literally - they're only maybe 90 seconds long. And if you like them, give me a favorable review. The link is below. . Thanks!


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