Finally Photos!

By Rubytuesday
As I said in a previous post
My camera only decided to walk on the first week that I was away
So I don't have photos of Oxford
Of the walking tour we did in London
Of the late drive of London that my uncle took us on our last night
That really was amazing
London is one cool place
Especially at night
I really liked the look of Camden
And was really jealous when my mother told me that I girl I grew up with now lives there
Hate her, hee hee!
Here they are in all their glory
Notice there are very few full body ones of me
Just couldn't stand to look at myself a lot of the time
But that's ok
I am trying to go by how I feel on the inside
Rather than what I look like on the outside
And I feel pretty ok
So let's go with that
On with the show.............

The Royal court of justice

Somerset House

Mum and Auntie B in Trafalgar Square


King's Cross train station, waiting for t he train to York

Longest street name in York

The Shambles

An outdoor play

The city walls

Wish I could have brought this home for my sister

My meds

Raining cats and dogs in York

Teddy bear shop