Fighting Depression with a Neurogenic Bladder

By Trudytriumph @TrudyTriumph

Thank you Biosleuth for clarifying brain fog for us.

As a person that lives with a chronic illness, I make an effort to try not to think too much about what my body can't do, but what my body can do. I know that when I was undiagnosed to the point of danger to my kidneys, I was really battling depression. I did try to keep a happy face and attitude, however my symptoms were evasive, and feeling as bad as I did physically, the depression was a feeling that was hard for me to shake.

 During the years that my body was going south, the pain and not knowing why, I felt a little like I was going crazy. Depression was a real part of my life. Even now, I can feel blue.

  1. Get out, take a walk and exercise.

I have several friends that I enjoy going out and walking with. I also have a little used gym membership. I plan on taking a spin class with a neighbor. All this helps me.

2. Find a friend.

 Friendships take energy. I have found that the best way to make a friend is to be a friend. Even go a step further and be a better friend, and go the extra mile by being intentional. Be a good listener. Find out what is valuable to the person you are befriending and have a common interest. Invite the intended out for an activity, offer the help with that wall paper. Take the time. I need to confess that I have problems with this. I can be perfectly content to write or read for hours at a time, yet I know that relationships with others is key to a healthy life. Just put those very valuable people into your schedule and enjoy them.

  3. Take up a hobby or create something.

In the past I can tell you have had so many projects. I have decorated all the rooms of my home. Special sewing a craft projects like quilting, drawing, painting, counted cross stitch. Outdoor projects like gardening are fun as well. There is a danger in all of this because if you are reading this and you have a neurogenic bladder and bowel as well, keep track of the time. Time tends to go fast, you know what happens when you have fun….and well, accidents happen.

4. Help someone else.

Helping others is the key to contentment. Is there a young mother you can help with babysitting? Can you volunteer at a hospital or church? All this takes your mind off of yourself and gets you involved with others. Looking back some of my best friends are people I worked shoulder to shoulder with. I am so fortunate because I work at a high school. It is the best job ever because of the kids I work with. They usually make me smile and always keep me on my feet. Do you live near a boy’s and girl’s club? Kids are great for keeping our mind off yourself.

5. Hold off on the alcohol.

Don't get me wrong, I like my glass of wine now and then. I am talking about the hard stuff, the major headache and the trouble to your body and mind that all that can cause. Studies have shown that too much alcohol does cause depression.

6. See a doctor!

Sometimes depression can be unshakable. Please see a doctor for help. .

Now for next week I have a question for Biosleuth.  I spend a lot of time writing about my neuorgenic bladder and bowel.  I write about the drama and dysfunction I deal with.   Just what is a healthy bladder supposed to be like?  What is the real function of my bladder.  How about the  am other side of the story? 

I like the way you deal with the facts.  Thank you for that!

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