Fifth Anniversary

By Maggiemcneill @Maggie_McNeill

All in all, I think I can safely declare this blog a success.  –  Maggie McNeill

When I started this blog five years ago today, I had no idea it would go this far.  Certainly I hoped it would become popular, maybe even very popular, but my success has exceeded anything I could have expected in even my most sanguine moods.  Over 1800 posts, 94 assorted pages, over 44,000 comments, about 1200 subscribers and nearly 6000 Twitter followers, and 3.8 million page views from all over the world.  I’ve also seen my work published in Cato Unbound, Reason and the Washington Post, and have done so many interviews, speaking engagements, consultations and other such work that I’ve completely lost count.  My name is widely recognized in the demimonde and in sex-positive and libertarian circles, and lots of people treat me as an (admittedly minor) celebrity; last year my readers even demonstrated their love and generosity by financing a three-month book tour for me!  That tour opened up a whole new world for me, relaunched my sex work career and resulted in my moving to Seattle, so I’d like to express my thanks in some concrete way.  Starting tonight at midnight PDT (7:00 UTC tomorrow) the Kindle edition of my book, Ladies of the Night, goes on sale for 99¢; 24 hours later it will increase to $1.99, and 24 hours after that to $2.99, where it will stay from now on.  So if you haven’t read it yet, now’s your chance!  And if you have, please review the book and tweet about the sale.  Thanks to all of you for making the past five years an amazing experience for me, and I’m looking forward to at least another five!