Feeling Floral

By Bambileigh

Hi friends! I don’t know about you guys, but when Spring comes around I just want to cover everything in flowers. And then I remember that I’m too lazy to go out and buy flowers, put them in a vase, throw them out when they’re dead, go and buy more etc etc. So naturally I go and buy the low maintenance faux kind!

I don’t have a store near me that sells reasonably priced fake flowers so I had to go all the way to The Range to find some… it was a real chore let me tell you! We all know how much I ‘hate’ that place ;)

The first thing I spotted was this ridiculously sweet floral garland! I do love a garland. It was actually in the wedding section, but it just looks so sweet wrapped around my headboard! I already had the little lights on there which were cute, but the garland has brightened that little area up so much! And it was only £6.99 – bonus jonas. I’m actually pretty pleased with the quality of it considering the price. One of the flowers came unattached as I was wrapping it around which was a bit annoying, but I don’t think the overall look of the garland is bad at all!

I could have spent a lot of money in that wedding section. It’s strange to think that although I love all the ‘weddingy’ decorations I don’t actually want to get married!
When my boyfriend managed to drag me away from the garlands and boquets I found what I was meant to be looking for in the first place!

They’re sooo pretty! I’ve got a really lovely vase that was my Nan’s, and it needed to be put to good use instead of just sitting empty in a dark corner!

I’d of liked to have got a bit more variety, but I was a little shocked at how expensive they were. I know they’re gonna last a reeeeal long time but £3.50 for just the pink ones? Bloody hell. In all honesty I don’t think I could have fit much more in the vase. I didn’t have the option to buy individual flowers (which I would have preferred), so I just had to try and choose a small selection!

You can clearly see that they’re fake, but I don’t think they look too fake… know what I mean? I’ve seen some fake flowers that just look terrible, but I’m pleased with the quality of these – they’ve definitely brightened up my room!

And in other news; it’s my birthday tomorrow! I’m not actually overly excited about my birthday, but as of today I have a week off from work! I’m not doing anything too special, it’s just nice to have an extended break. We are going to see the Lion King up London on Friday, so I’m looking forward to that – I’ve wanted to see it for years! I hear it’s really good, but it’s a shame I won’t be able to take photos! I’m sure Google won’t mind sharing if I decide I want to tell you guys all about it ;)

Are you all having a good Easter? I hope you’re not having to work – it sucks working when everyone else is relaxing at home! If you are working it just means you deserve the most chocolate, so there is a silver lining after all!