Featured Pose: Side Plank Pose, Wall Version

By Ninazolotow @Yoga4HealthyAge
by Nina
We’ve mentioned the “wall version” of Side Plank pose (Vasithasana) several times on this blog (see Featured Sequence: Upper Body Strength), and although we tried to describe the pose as clearly as possible, many people requested photos of the pose because they had a hard time imagining it because they had never seen it before. Now I’m excited to tell you that we finally do have photos of this pose, including two variations.
This version of Side Plank pose is wonderful for starting your journey toward the classic version. Because you stand on the floor, you bear much less weight on your arm, so you can gradually build up the strength needed for the floor version. It also makes the pose accessible to people who can’t get up and down from the floor or people who are recovering from a shoulder injury and need to take things gradually. Finally, Donald Moyer, my teacher, often uses this pose as a warm-up for the classic version.
1. Start by standing with your right side to the wall, close enough so you will be able to easily place the palm of your right hand on the wall.
2. Reach your right arm out to your side, parallel with the floor, and place your palm flat on the wall with your fingers pointing up. Engage your right shoulder blade into your chest wall and down slightly towards your waist. 
3. Step both feet out away from the wall until your right foot is positioned directly under your left shoulder, with your left foot next to your right foot. Don’t be timid about taking this stance—you should be standing at an angle at this point, with some of your weight now being supported by your hand on the wall. Since this is an unusual position to take, use your eyes to check that you really do have your right foot under your left shoulder.
4. Bring your left arm out to the side. This is the first phase of the pose, and if this is strenuous enough for you, you can stop here.
5. If your balance is good and you want to try a variation where you bear a little more weight on your hand, bend your left knee and bringing your left foot into Tree pose position.
6. Then bring your left arm up, overhead, and alongside your ear, like the top arm in Extended Side Angle pose. Then reach your left arm and shoulder blade strongly towards the wall.
To repeat the pose on the second side, turn around so your left side is facing the wall.
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